OCTOBER 2013 BOOK HUGGERS Selection is:
"Marcel Duchamp" by OCTAVIO PAZ
Co-sponsored by
OCTAVIO PAZ (1914-1998) Book Collection
Poetry Month 2014 INTIMATE LIBRARIES Celebration/Homage to Octavio Paz
Book Cover: Ball of Twine (With Hidden Noise), 1916. (Readymade) by Marcel Duchamp
"Marcel Duchamp" by Octavio Paz
Excerpt from the FOREWORD
"In these pages, my most recent reflections on the subject, I have tried to show where Duchamp's work belongs in the main tradition of the West - the physics and metaphysics not of sex but of love - and its meta-ironic relationship with tradition. It is above all the rigorous unity of Marcel Duchamp's work that surprises anyone reviewing it in its entirely. In fact, everything he did revolves around a single object, as elusive as life itself. His work can be seen as different moments - the different appearances - of the same reality. Anamorphosis is the literal meaning of the word: to see this work in its successive forms is to return to the original form, the true source of appearances. An attempt at revelation, or, as he used to say, "ultrarapid exposure." He was fascinated by a four-dimensional object and the shadows it throws, those shadows we call realities" Octavio Paz, Mexico, August 20, 1976
Repaso en forma de Preambulo, 1986/Por las Sendas de la Memoria/Volume IV el "Arte Moderno Universal"/2001/"Los Privilegios de la Vista"
"una tarde en el apartamento de Marcel Duchamp, en Nueva York: Teeny Duchamp en un angulo de la pieza soleada, callada bahia de luz rubia; la risa de John Cage mientras discute una jugada de ajedrez con Merce Cunningham; Marcel y su perfecta cortesia, un poco 'vielle France', al ayudar a Marie Jose a ponerse el abrigo o su amor por una (no imposible) geometria asimetrica y una logica de excepciones; la conversacion. Pero, de que hablamos esa tarde: de la decepcionante exposicion de Dali o de la retrospective de Magritte, de las ideas de Equis o de las manias de Zeta? no, no recuerdo lo que dijimos, recuerdo lo que no dijimos, lo no dicho y, no obstante, dicho no un intercambio de ideas, noticias, gustos, antipatias sino el fluir de la tacito, el silencio que cubre de arena cada palabra. Marcel Duchamp: maestro del arte no de pensar sino de ver, no de ver sino de respirar." Octavio Paz
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