In the 80's, Artist Rick Smolan, a former Time Magazine, Life Magazine, and National Geographic photographer, created the extraordinary series "Day in the Life" books. He is the founder of Against All Odds Productions, a book and multimedia publisher based in California.
On February 8, 1996, 150 of the world's top photographers teamed up with other experts and thousands of students and amateurs to create the largest one-day online event to date (1996). The "24 Hours in Cyberspace" project produced an "instant" World Wide Web site and digital time capsule of online life.
"Because the internet is so new, Smolan's crew gave their effort a subtitle, "Painting on the Walls of the Digital Cave", in ironic recognition that in years hence, this snapshot of cyberspace would no doubt appear as primitive as the paintings of prehistoric man." An excerpt from The Seybold Report" (1996)